I’ve had a nagging click in the right drive-side pedal for quite some time now. Using advice from Bicycle Tutor, I looked at the more obvious places for the click. I took the pedal off and regreased the threads. I fixed two stuck links in my chain. I also tightened the crank arm bolt just a bit. Unfortunately, none of these fixed the issue causing the noise. The noise occurred on the down stroke, when my right foot was at about the 2 o’clock location in the pedal revolution. The noise was more obvious when riding my trainer indoors, as there was no wind or road resisitance to muffle sound. I thought I was looking at a bottom bracket overhaul. However, with the recent acquisition and installation of a Brooks B17 saddle, the noise seems to have disappeared. I should have paid more careful attention and noted that the noise did not occur when I was out of the saddle. For now, my drivetrain noises have disappeared, and the mystery noise has been attributed to the old worn-out seat. Now all I have to be worried about is trying to break the Brooks in a bit. Only another 490 miles or so until it feels just right.