Peach Ridge out and back

Mac and Chad on the way back to town

Mac and I got a good ride in this morning. We met at his house and departed at about 7:15. It was a cool morning in the low 30’s.

1.5 hours ride time
16 miles
2 dogs
good times

Mac said this is one of his favorite routes if he only has 60-90 minutes to ride, and I definitely agree. It’s got a good amount of hills, and on a cool morning it definitely pays to get the heart rate up quickly. I’ll be sure to ride this route again. We mixed it up a bit with the return on the bike path to give us a few more miles and minutes on the bike. A great ride this morning. Thanks, Mac, for the route and for the company.

Total miles to date in 2011: 24

2 thoughts on “Peach Ridge out and back

  1. A good ride indeed. I’m just glad that guy whose mailbox we’re posing next to didn’t chase us off for some kind of suspicious loitering.

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