Ride to work on a warmish January Day

I haven’t been on bike ride outside since November. With the forecast calleing for 55 degrees today, I decided to ride my bike to work. Roads were a bit damp despite being dry yesterday. Since I had to work the reference desk at the library, I carried my clothes with me. This video describes some of the ride and the kit I carried.

One thought on “Ride to work on a warmish January Day

  1. Keep on riding. Maybe librarians tend to think along the same lines for content management because coincidentally the 2 blogs I set up and nurture, use the same template also.

    http://www.thirdwavecyclingblog.wordpress.com Blogmaster for a small Canadian consulting firm on cycling intrastructure in Vancouver, British Columbia.

    http://cyclewriteblog.wordpress.com Tends to be my own personal blog. Allows me to deviate from cycling to other stuff. I too, had to go this route, so the target audience for Third Wave wouldn’t be confused. Unlike you (a GPS geek), bike rides aren’t here yet since the Winter Olympics are coming upon our city fast and so focus of blogs will be on this mega event.


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