Ride out to Strouds Run

Since Monday is my night to work, I often have the afternoon off. Assuming the weather cooperates and I’ve done all my chores, I have about 2.5 hours to do something fun.   Rainy days, I play video games.   On this sunny afternoon, I went for a bike ride.

The World Voyageur overlooks Dow Lake

The World Voyageur overlooks Dow Lake

Students practice their strokes in Dow Lake

Students practice their strokes in Dow Lake

The temperature was around 62 degrees.   I was fairly comfortable in shorts and my fluorescent long-sleeved Performance Century jersey.   I did have to unzip it a bit once I got to Second Street.   The route was as follows:

Grover parking lot to Bike Path to Currier Street, up Second Avenue (big hill) , across Columbia and out to Strouds Run State Park.   Ride around the parking lot loop, back to Columbia, down Madison, left on East State Street, Right on Hope, Bike Path back to Grover.   Total mileage was 16.8 miles, with 70 minutes of actual ride time.   Add 10 minutes or so for pictures, stop-lights, etc. The route map and details are below:

An absolutely gorgeous day to be on the bike. This is a great ride for folks who want to work some hills in, without getting too far away from town. I’ll definitely do the ride again soon.

Saturday’s 37 mile ride with a few hills

Yesterday I was able to get in a really good ride. 37.7 miles with over 2300 feet of climbing. Total ride time was 2 hours 45 minutes.

I left the house at 6:30 a.m. and rode down 50 to Radford to 56. I then took 682 up to the Plains, and made my way to the bike path and back to town. Once arriving back in Athens, I headed through town to Cable Lane. Cable Lane hurt pretty bad, but, and I was able to get to the top again. I was pretty impressed with this, considering I had already ridden 20 miles before arriving at the base of the hill. Next time I do this route I may try to get off the bike path at Currier Street so I can take the hill on Second St., which would give me another couple hundred feet of climbing.. This was the longest ride I’ve had this year, and definitely the most challenging. I arrived back home at 9:15 a.m., and was greeted with a plate of chocolate chip & banana pancakes with bacon. Awesome!!