Lunchtime ride on Rockhouse

Managed to squeeze a ride in at lunch on Rockhouse at Sells Park.  Mac was supposed to go as well, but his meeting ran 45 minutes over.  I rode from Grover out to Sells, with a quick out and back on Rockhouse.  I turned around about 100 yards before my usual gotta-be-back-fast turnaround spot.  I would have loved to ridden longer, but it was still great to get some dirt under the tires.

Temperature was around 37 degrees with full sun.  I was chilly in the wind when starting out, but otherwise comfortable when I got warmed up.  Wore a long sleeve underjersey, a regular jersey, full finger mountain bike gloves (summer weight), shorts, tights, wool socks.  Round trip about 7.5 miles (5.5 miles pavement and 2 miles dirt).


My buddy and me

Sucking Wind

This was my first mountain bike ride in 6-8 weeks, and it shows.   I rode from Grover Center to Sells Park via the Bike Path and Avon.   Once I hit singletrack I rode Rockhouse to Basswood, to Athens Trail, back to the trailhead.   The hills killed me, but hopefully next time they’ll be easier.

My rides lately

It’s been hard to get rides in lately, as it seems the schedule continues to get a bit more hectic as the weather gets warmer. I’m trying to find time to ride when I can, and right now the time is during my lunch break. This week and last I rode my mountain bike out to Sells Park; two days last week and two days this week. Due to time constraints of my lunch hour, I can only get about a mile into the trails before its time to turn around. I usually just stick to the Rockhouse Trail, as I can ride all of it without walking anything. I’ve yet to make it up the hill to get on top of the Athens Trail without walking, so I reserve that section of the Athens Trail System for when I have more time. With the two miles out and back on Rockhouse, and the 5.5 miles there and back, it turns into a decent lunchtime ride. Here’s the route to get there:

Since I’m so pressed for time, it’s almost like a time trial getting to and from the trail, and I usually face a massive headwind coming back to work. I can usually get there and back, get a shower, and be back at my desk in an hour. Sometimes I get held up at the red light crossing East State Street, and if that happens, I sometimes have to adjust my time on the trail. It may seem crazy to ride 5.5. miles round trip for 2 miles of singletrack, but the brief amount of time I get on the trail is very much worth it. It’s a good amount of riding to wet the appetite for more riding, while also getting a decent workout for the lungs and legs. I’m hoping to be able to work in some longer trail and road rides once things settle down a bit. It’s tough to be patient, but I have to remind myself that it’s only the middle of April. The riding season has only just begun. However, many of my riding buddies have been able to log a few more miles than I have, so I am a bit concerned about keeping up with them on the road. Maybe my gym workouts and lunchtime time trial/trail rides will be enough to keep me from being blown off the back. Time will tell.